Have you heard of Lydia Ko? Have you ever wondered how she got from being a 6 year old skipping around the golf course to being one of the most legendary and iconic golfers of our time? Well the Institute of Golf is the answer.

Our service and product is the best and unrivalled in multiple aspects that deliver a truly unique and performance enhancing experience to our clients including golf coaching, strength and conditioning, physiotherapy and mental performance. The best coaches and technicians are at your fingertips to give you the best result. 

The Institute of Golf gives you the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Lydia Ko. Learn from the team who gave her the tools to take her where she is today. 

Our objective is to enable every golfer, even if they’re a beginner, to play the game to the best of their ability and provide them with the tools to help them get there.

If you want to get your game of golf off the ground or give your game the best chance at improving secure your spot with the Institute of Golf team. 

Call us now to improve your game fast on 0800 MYGOLF or simply email reception@instituteofgolf.co.nz